English Collocations Exercise (2) - (Pay, Take, Have) RU English Team March 28, 2015 4 comments English Collocation Exercise English Collocation Exercise 2 Pay, Take, Have Choose the best answer for each question. ...
13 Common Collocations that go with MURDER RU English Team March 27, 2015 0 comments nehandaradio.com Words that collocate with Murder Murder is one type of the crime which the murder, a person, deliberately kill s...
15 Common Collocations that go with CRIME RU English Team March 27, 2015 2 comments www.vvng.com Words that collocates with Crime Crime is an illegal action, which can be punished by law. There are many common ...
What is Collocation? RU English Team March 21, 2015 1 comments englishwithatwist.com What is collocation ? A collocation is a group of words which frequently go or collocate together. They...